MAHS Croatan Project


The success of MAHS' project to document the Croatan wreck was due to the efforts of many volunteers.   Special thanks go to the personnel from the Life Saving Museum of Virginia, who provided support in the field and who assumed custody of the wreck following the archaeological documentation described here.

drawing of frames

The image above is a historical photograph of the Virginia Beach Coast Guard Station, as it was called after 1915 when the United States Lifesaving Service became the United States Coast Guard.   The original building, the Seatack Life Saving Station was built in 1878.   The tower, seen in a more modern image below was added in 1933.   The structure now houses the Life Saving Museum.

drawing of frames

A full report of this project was published in 1996 as "Project Croatan: Volunteers Seize the Day", by George and Jill Montgomery, in Underwater Archaeology, edited by Stephen R. James, Jr., and Camille Stanley, pp. 145-151. Society for Historical Archaeology.

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